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Zernitz oder Zerwitz: Heiratsurkunde und laut "Guderian" Familienforschern
Deeling: Geburtsname von Zernitz, da vermutlich Bigamie
Hermotz: laut v.Reppert-Familienforschern
[S16] Dokument, 2018, http://www.academia.edu/38048651/_Madame_Zernitz_n%C3%A8e_Deeling_the_addressee_of_CPE_Bach_s_Sonaten_f%C3%BCr_Kenner_und_Liebhaber_new_materials (Verlässlichkeit: 2).
The church record of the death of Eleonora Zernitz in Polichno in 1810 is not the only one which mentions her name. There is another entry in the Nakło/Polichno church books, done 16 years earlier, on the 29th December 1794, and it is a record of marriage. Unfortunately, the present descendants of both branches of the family read it differently. The historians of the Guderian family transcribe it as the record of marriage of ‘Magnificius Joannem Friedericum Augustum de Reppert, sacra Regia Mattis Borusorum colonellum, cum Magnifica Joanna Eleonora nata Zerwitz’, in presence of three witnesses: Samuel Guderian; his tenant and brother-in-law (husband of Samuel’s elder sister) Peter Nehring; and ‘Magn. Dmo. Carolus Fridericus de Colbe, Judicie criminalium consiliaru’ in whom we recognize a Councillor at the Royal criminal court in Bydgoszcz (then Bromberg).
At the same time, the website of the von Reppert family states that the name of Johann Friedrich August’s newly-wed wife was Johanna Eleonora ‘Hermotz’. However, such surname has not been recorded in contemporary documents. Thus we assume that the record made in Gothic (kurrent) handwriting is illegible, hence both misspellings. However, as the record stating Eleonora Zernitz’s death is quite clear and easy readable, we would suggest that the correct name in the marriage record also is ‘Zernitz’.
Olga Baird (Yatsenko)
‘Madame Zernitz nèe Deeling’, the addressee of CPE Bach’s ‘Sonaten für Kenner und Liebhaber’: new materials.